Kere Hughes-Belding receives award to examine impact of Project LAUNCH in Iowa:

October 15, 2020

A team led by Kere Hughes-Belding, professor in human development and family studies, was awarded $87,688 from the Iowa Department of Public Health and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. This is the second year of a five-year grant. This project examines the impact of Project LAUNCH in Iowa. Project LAUNCH incorporates early childhood mental health services into Head Start programming and collaborating early child care programs affiliated with Drake University. The evaluation examines both the implementation of Project LAUNCH and its effectiveness in improving child behavioral outcomes. 

This team also includes graduate students Luke Huber in human development and family studies and Craig Van Pay in human development and family studies and the School of Education. 

Contact Details:

Name: Kere Hughes-Belding
Phone: 515-294-8441
Department: human development and family studies